Upscaling genomic sequencing with the Wellcome Sanger Institute

Biomatics was asked to provide the programme management solution for this innovative and critical work

We’re incredibly proud to have worked alongside the Wellcome Sanger Institute on a number of projects in recent years. 

In this new video, we take a look back on the project management we provided to support their team in rapidly upscaling genomic sequencing in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

"It's made it such an easy task. I'm very much looking forward to working with them again should the opportunity arise."

Ian Johnstone | Head of Sequencing Operations

In 2020, at the start of the Covid pandemic, the Wellcome Sanger Institute formed an innovative partnership with the NHS, the four Public Health Agencies and more than 12 academic institutions to provide Covid sequencing and analysis capacity.

The Wellcome Sanger Institute faced the challenge of delivering a Covid-19 sequencing service at scale. In the summer of 2020, sequencing volumes stood at 3,000 samples per week. Through a series of uplift requirements by the UK Government, by 31st October 2021, 64,000 samples were required to be processed per week.

Biomatics was asked to provide the programme management solution for this innovative and critical work. This required an experienced Programme Manager who was able to manage the complex environment of government agencies, scientific and technical experts, third party suppliers and infrastructure development.

The Programme was successfully delivered, providing the capacity and capability to present 64,000 samples per week to sequencing. In addition, the lean approach established by Biomatics reduced processing times from sample arrival to data upload from 15 days, down to 3.5 days.

The programme’s success was the result of focused and committed collaboration from team members at the Wellcome Sanger Institute, key suppliers and Biomatics’ Programme Manager.

If Biomatics can help your organisation to successfully undertake complex project management, get in touch here.