Scaling Up your organisation – practically applying Lean Six Sigma

Course Details

  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Formate: Classroom / Virtual
  • Costs: £2,000 (max 25 attendees)


This is a dynamic training course designed specifically for organisations within the life science sector looking to scale their operations effectively while maintaining or enhancing the quality of their offerings. This course provides a deep dive into the practical application of Lean Six Sigma methodologies, a proven approach to operational excellence, tailored for the unique challenges and opportunities presented within life science.

What is Lean Six Sigma

  • What is the difference between the two elements?
  • Why use it?
  • Who else uses it?

What does scaling up look like through a Lean Six Sigma Lens?

  • The manufacturing process
  • High-performance teams
  • Supply chain, collaboration, and partnerships

How to get started

  • Strategic alignment
  • Engagement
  • Euip
  • Empower

How to measure success

  • Outcome measures
  • Process measures
  • Balancing measures

For more information please contact us or download our OpEx Trainingning Programme

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